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The Lompoc Record from Lompoc, California • 5

The Lompoc Record from Lompoc, California • 5

The Lompoc Recordi
Lompoc, California
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)

Additional Local are Billing at I 3.00, each razor belcg guaranteed. Their branch olllee Is at 'Items rip 'it i his dtiugbter, Aliirgla, nbo bus entered the Ha a Fruuolecd' normal aohool. Miiii Eva aod Gillm Bios returned to their borne In Lonofoa Sunday. Mr. W.

V9. Curtis and eo? made a vluit op to Paa lobiea this week. Mr. B. A.

Wooda btta been sawing wood for S. Cuoulngham aud partner at tbe ranch of I. J. Daniels. 1 Mr.

J. Uobinaoo Bnd family, of ttc. 1 dwyiidiiiij 0 o- 3 Dealers taole' and rc 4. urocuerVi The Only-Placo in the County Coffee is F2 lend ec OS" lees py experts Agents for tho Bridge Beach vhero Roasted and Wm. Barkar and wifo returned to L8 AngU'8 Thos.

Sweeney and John Frieze kiit yesterday for Ireland, their native country, for a vihit. L. E. Elliot, of Santa Maria, ia aviating D. Meqiiito in gutting ready for his new stock of furniture.

Manager Cleveland of the Homo Telephone Company ia engaged in rnnniog new cable of fifty pair from the office along II street. E. M. Sheridan and family returned to Santa Barbara Sunday. They recently returned from a visit to tbe Ala a a- Yukon Exposition.

Wm. Fisher has sold his residence property and will leava eomi for Loa Angeles, where he and bis family will reside. 1 Mrs. J. W.

Greene and Mrs. Eddy, 1 of Los Angeles, are guests' at the home of MrB. Chaa. Beed. Among the relatives from out of town who were present at the funeral of W.

H. Sudden, were Chaa. Sudden, wife, mother and sister, of San Francisco, Robert Sudden, of Ventura, Mrs. Hern ster and two daughters, Lizzie and Bar bara, of Santa Barbar. T7 Eucalyptus Swindlers Stale Forester Lull in a converse tloo with tbe Burst CalltornUn recently gave out a word of warning agalnat the many tmcalyptoa timber companies now booming shares of stock rather than planting trees.

are doing all wa can to sup- press tbe unreliable concerns. Soma companies ire really potting their money Into tbe development of tha land, bat a good many are atlug my report as the basla for. ell Ing their acreage or stock, ana patting ine r3 colebratod Stoves and We, wore mistaken i bout the date of the re-opening of tb Banta Rita school. It ootBOiencfij August 2. UUi Uldeys Uill, of Burnt Barbara, the traeber.

Mr, II. N. Rajdeia and Hon, Clar- op from Santa Uartara the Litter part of est wek, They rep it Mrs. Kundela io much better health end expect bar to 0 op soon. Apricols are ripe and L.D.

Street- iiua besau to out and dry bis Im mense crop. Mlas Hester. Archer baa returned home sflei several weeks' vactlou. Mr. aod Mrs.

Chiq, Chow left tb fir at of tb weak for Orcott with a load of fro It. II. Seal; la renaveriug from a bad Htti'k of Ingrlppa wblch baa confined her to br house several daye. Mr. E.

M. Sberldnu, of Santa Uar-bura was iu the valley oue "day last week. Mr. John Lcynuuban, who repre-HuutH a Shu Fiaucifcu produce ciitn-vany wairttiroTiijh'lue" vh i faV reiteuily iu the interest of the firiu hn repre sents. Mr.

Je 8 Koldiog made himluvae i rip "to Sun Fiui cIhch 1. at Wtn har that he pnrclia8PfI the Irnct of hod now eo'td by, K. S. Clspp aud tt'Bt he will farm the ranuti lijteai of eotltiB. We will lie eorry to kse an 1 Mrs' Clapp as they Hre ouDtad nutons Ibe beat oelfihbora In this raU ley.

i A LICE GARRAIIAN MANOANESK. Ooe of the moet yalnabla discover ea of reoeot yeara is the a laptloo of the mineral "oiaogaDeBe" Iu mabioa cutlery ateel.r Quoting best aotboritlea, if per Dt of tbla mjoml be added to steel it will cairn It to be ao hard ind mah tbat no drill made coold drill yet it can be battered into any ahape. Laboratory experiments have proven tbat tbe right -qnantlty 1m- parts to the virtue of takifig teoa-oiona aod elastic temper yet increase IU. Competition baa red need this faot to a practical working basis, a this steel has been adopted by a outlery maufactorer whd make tbe Maogaoeae steel razor and tbe qaulHy la remarkable. This razor compuny, has, without solid tation, been flooded with mail orders for these razors, which tbey 1 II II I I' monty into advertising.

There are now approximately 75,000 acres In tha atate held by companiea.a goo'd prftcn tage of whiob la planted. growing will prova erly carrltd on. Those wbo Invest should be willing to wait ten yean A fj I I O'fJ FISEIIFJG TACKLE SPORTING GOODS OF ALL KINDS for their profits. Tha Industry Is cap abia of bringing a lot of mossy to tha state It properly handled, bat If tha room Oil, (17 Market Hau Fran- News From Lynden District Smith aod tluck h.iva atarte.1 their meat this district. wagon through Hev.

U. W. Marine and wife made trt visit to thla dlstriot tbla weel A merry crowd of young folks spent a day plcnicklog at nappy Valla jr this week. have bad aome good enlsno with wblob to satisfy our appotiteu, thioc'h the good shooting qualities of T. F.

rarr. who killed a Roe bock a faw days ago, thai betog enoagh meat oo It to go. tbe roucds. Lynden school will sUrt Monday mornlntr, Anirnst 3rd. Mr A she, wbo has been threshing barley In tbla district has a fine rig for such work and ia doing finely with It.

Mr Ray Kenwlck, of'tbls district, male a bBslneatrlp to Santa Barbara reoetitly. Mr. and Mrs.W. W. Curtis returned home Tnusdav from a to Los Angeles.

M'as Adeline Perozzi returned Iw nift Snnday from San Lola Obispo. II t-r conelo accompanied ber Tbe people of tbU distict bava oonimpooed hauling their barley. Mr. Perozzi Is gettluK rtady to build the foundation for bis new honse. Thomas U.

Clark Is spend Ing hla summer, vaoatlnn with bis family in this dlstriot Mrs. Mlnule Uoyok of thla district has been enjoying a visit from her cousin, who resides io Los Angeles. Mia Dolly Hard wick, wbo baa been visiting relatives In tbla district daring tbe summer, will leave for ber home lo Paicrinea Wedcns iday William Kennle, who has been pending bia vacation bare with bia p'nrenta aud other relatives, left for Santa ECruz Friday to resume his adhnnl work. Mrs. Glint' ietatned to bar home io Santa Cruz from an extend ed visit to bar brothers, Maktrs.

J.U and T. H. Martin. i Lynden sobool opened Aoguit 2, with twenty-five pupils enrolled. Mies Elvira Perozzi returned home Tuesday to San Lui Obispo.

has bleo speudiug his vacation with bis family In this district, returned to Uerkelej Sunday afternoon, accompanied by OF LOMPOC the foregding statement la true to the best of his knowledge and belief. II. Sdpdkx, Preaident. L. Cashier.

Severally subscribed aod worn to by potn aepontnta, trie Htli day- of joty im). Detore me. n. r. jsaiirv, vj' Notary Public.

T. of1 Hank 327-''' RETORT OI' CONDITION sayixss bmx at tbe cloa of biiainwts oa the SOth day of June, 1909 aK0CHCE; $174,050.00 Stocks, bondt and other ee-. t)m from reaerrt 77,413.55 Total. Lt ABILITIES j. Capital 25,000.00 Undivided profits, leea ax pen- tea and taxes 5,534.31 Kavingl deposits $290,5539 ai Statu or CAuroasu, ConntT of Santa Barbara, W.

IL Sadden, Preaident, W. C. Bia-singer, Cashier, of the above named Bank, being duly aworn, each or himself, sayt that the fnrcijolng statement ia true to the bent of his knowledge and belief, W. H. Biiookx, Priaent, W.

C. Biriixur.a, Cashier. Severally subferibed and sworn to by both deponents, tho 1 4th dny of July, mm, before mo. B. r.

hah.kt, Notary Public. competent management, of the community. 4 in Fancy mw "-Ml va tram the Prersr ci ry It bad no coiDpetitloo, Dressmaking All kinds of fancy su sr. Ing and dreasmaking will bo done with neatuosa and dispatch i( left with Mrs Charles Vaw. For lady nurse apply to Mrs.

"Addle Harris, P. Box 04, Home phone 811. For Sale About three dozen' black Minorca and Plymouth Hock chickens. Enquire of Mrs, George Ilinkley. For Sale Nine acres of improved land- on O-Bt and Walnut-ave, Enquire of Mrai E.

8ang-4t Good Pasture With plenty of feed and water Can be bad by applying to A. M. Beed, Santa Eita. 8aog-4t op Mra. Trowbridge, raslillsg one-bait mile east of for cboioa aprlocts at 1 cent a ponnd oo tha tre-'s; two ctatf dalivtrai.

Th ct rate taltphoijt rttta every aabeorlber la tow4 bat the boslstsa man, tr.e vary oca fisa ia thale best ptstroa. Ttiy Cli- crlmlrjbts fpiiaat tb fc-asJaen bacause they think he la ooropellad to keep It toyway. Tbla Ii a Iocs! and coavlaoipf proof of what the ftld tele phooe company wtrla da wisa iyrjr resident la tt Ttlley If were not fr th preaasea of the Home Telephone, and everybody koowa it too. For Pale Cheap Three houses one or all. G-st.

and ono-and-a hall blocks from poetoffice. Enquire Miss Emma Bohinson. 7-30 ti 11ARGAINS IN MONUMENTS Thope who are looking for cemetery memorials should call at 425 State-st Panta Burbnra, Imported granite and inarblt and other of menuments mkcwir-aii ranyuyoumsoa uargaiu. nlS' Surf, ware called to attend tba tantral Mr. Bole on'a little i p'lew, who wis ecoldantly drowned while batbli Soquel, reoeetly.

Arteela school commenced Mod-ay, Aognst second, with, Bfteeo pupils enrolled. MUa Parsons, tbe teacher ratarnad from ber home In Carpentaria, Sunday. VEDA L. BICUABDSON. MINNIE.

N. UYUCIC Annual Report of Public Library To. the Honorable MayoCand Board of Truateea of Lompoc, Cal. Gentlemen I herewith respectfully aubmitmy report of the receipts and ex penditures of the free public library for the year ending June 30, rkckhts Bal. on hind July 1, 1903...

803 79 Town taxei 892 62 Finos 30 rom town marshal, 17.65 From D. T. Truitt, for library lot 150 00 rom town trueteee lo apply on purchase of library site 2.10.00 Total $1,614.20 DIHHCBHKMENT8 Freight 4.00 Books 1 202.12 Salary 294.25 23.33 Rent 100 00 Fire insurance premiums 14.25 Furnishings 25 11 Miacellaneoua, 5.00 Library site C50.00. 1,318 03 Bal. on baud June 30, 1909...

290.18 Bespectfully submitted. Ida L. Sloas, Sec. Board of Library Truateea. To tbe board of Traatees of the Lompoc Poblia Library, i I have tha honor to sobmit to you tbe aeoond annual report of the Loropoo Poblle Library, covering (he year aading Jane 30,1909.

Throughout the year there has been I ttsady growth of the library from month to month, in an added oumbar of patrons, in tb acoooaila-tl of hooka and periodicals, and lo the oonstaotly Increasing Interest of tbla Institution, which still In Infancy! already maaoa to tha com monltv far more than cao i easily be (a 1 mated. J- i 1 On one 3,1908 there was In the library 84 vrolumes. During tbe ye 270 have been added, 89 by gift an. I 181 by porobase, making a total ot 1110 volnmts. At tte baglnlog of ttn fiscal year there were 316 leg later rd card holders, 248 adults, and 48 children uuder fifteen years of age, There have beau 150 added to tbe Hat, 123 adnlM.

and 25 childrau: Eight i-ard kvlJert, seven grown prisons and one bll bare been lost by death. Tbe'ocird holders now nam br 488, 300 adu ta and 122 children Circulation for tbe year baa be.n 7652 hooka and 820 magazines. Teu volumes have beau borrow for Individuals from tbe StataLtbrarr. Forty aaven volomea bava been re bound, tod 402 otherwise repaired Tbe library baa bean open to tb poblia 306 1-2 days. Fln.a amounting to 18.25 bare been oollaotad and turned over to tbe city Treasurer.

No record baa been kept of the qcestloos asked for Information given, Ice For Sale Ice can be had by calling op on either phone before nine o'clock a. m. If, LIND DILLE. I an still standing mv large Belgium and SLire stallbn, Don, on my ranch one mile east (it tn postotnee, tie pounds and hit coltt can not bo bat in the state lor draft lioraee- Terms: $10 tor tbe teaaon, $12.50 to In dira mare with foal and $15 for atand- rz colt. F.

M. BUDOLPU. th Clubl Dear Sir or Madame: A deal it now forming to use money in purchasing; tbe necessities ot life. Through its operate ft, yoii can procure groceries, clothing, everything osed la the home, a( aatonlah-Ing price. Below are a few sample grocery prices selected from grocery assortments in the free catalog which will be aupplied you if you decide to Join oa: 100 lbs fine granulated sngar 100 tiara laundry soap 105 20 lbs soda .99 The freight tor California per 100 lbs.

is $1.90. Ask the stranger, Thos, Hoc m. Marsh and Sao Lois Obiepo. Santa Maria now has ovtpr 1000 We- loues of three 5iltJFt hflK and 4.. ymiZJr" the Faciflc barren im- proved so much that combined with their la rales it It getting tiio uubiiichs for them a OFFICIAL STATEMENT PJn HARDWARE.

CO. You attention is invited to the official statement of the financial condition of THE BANK' -AND THE FARMERS AflD MERCHAriTS SAVINGS BANK industry la Improperly bandied it It capable of giving the state cna of tha Mtiftt black eyas It has ver had." Early reporta received by tbe Com- it tee from fruit districts have been folly verified by the crops now being, harvested, showing great Increases, it la grailfying to note that value of a reference department ot tbe library ia daily coming to be more aud mora recognized at a moat osefol factor lu school and club work, at well at to many Individual patrons. Tbroogh yon I wish to thank tha many persons for the various acta of cortesey and kindness whlob bava helped and enoOuraged tbelllbrarlan. at all timee I offer my moot heartfelt appreciation. Respectfully submitted, White.

Librarian. To the honorable board of Trot taea, town of Ueotlemeo: Tbt following report la submitted for tbe flical year eodlnj Jane 30, 4 i-'. The reporta of tb teoretary and librarian tor tha fiscal year abow a steady advance In all the important brancbea ot library work, Mocb interest hat bean manlfual- ed by the ritlzent, many of whom haft donated valuable booka, coasa A recent gift ot 50jvolomea from the Woman's jjuok Club was a weloome addition to the library. The clrcQlatlon ot booka and mag-azloes show a wonderful Increase over tbat of last year. While fiction oo- copies a eooipioooot place on th abelrea.

It Is good fiction. Workt of reference tre being ad J- ed gradually, aod hlatory and travel are aorcumolatlng rapidly, A tewlog bench hat beea pnr- based, and the librarian and ber ae- siataat are sncceasf oil rablndlcj the books tout taring tbe library great Btepe are now belog taken toward erecting a Carntgie holding. Tbe report of tbe secretary ahOws a elaooe of 129.16, but the expenses 'J No. of Bank, 140 i 'REPORT OF CONDITION OF TBS DAri.K-OF.LOr.1POC i at the close of business on the 30th day of June, 1909 RB80CBCK 1277.75057 Overdrafts. 16,051.14 Bonus, and other Been I Bank Premises, Furniture aod Other Beat Estate Duo from other than Reserve Due from Bcnerve Cash on hand Checks and other cash items.

6,000.00 50,000.00 41,798.78 14,473.00 i.eoa.19 Total ...1138,187.31 Capital apportioned $100,000.00 Surplus apportioned 10,000.00 Undivided profits, lens expen-e and taxes 'Dm to other bank Doa taTniat (km panics and Eavitrgs Individual deposits subject lo Demand certificntot of dtpoelt Time certificitcs of State, County Municipal 41,01.51 2,443.23 77.4C3.55 189,753.04 Other UahiHUcs 800.00 1 188,187 31 Statk or CAt.iroRNi. County of Panta Barbara, W. II. Sudden, president, I Kahn, cashier, of tho above-named Bank, being dal tworn, each for blmRolf, says that Business Briefs FOR BALE Good driving and work horse. Inquire of 1 Dodge.

f' PastoreFor about 20 bead of homes. Good water and plenty of feed. Chaa. Beauterbangh ranch. J.

A. Siambaw. rhones: Home 2108, Pacific 40x2. Good pasture for bows. Inquire of Cortia Son.

Home 'phone 2l3 A new firelcsa cooker ja displayed by W. K. fmith Hardware Co. It ia labor and fuel saver combined Wnt To buy good young cattle. Enquire of Frank Kallln, Pacific phona 7-fitl The Wonderful Thermos Bottle keeps hot liquids hot, cold liquids at a freeiing point for hours.

We have them ia stock. W. B. Fmith Hardware Co. Tha best line of stoves and ranges in town are to be found at th W.

E. Smith Hardware For Bale Mostard roller and two reapers, one IfcCormkk and one Peer leg; both ia fine condition; practically rjw one season. Inquire of It. 8. Cl'PPi $nU Bailey Lave the agency for tho PeLaval cream separator, which ia t.e lent on the market.

They will carry a compteta line of eitraa for thcuo machines. 1Q1L 6iZ.K: Ltwso Chirora hay. In quire pf C. Jacobsen, Miguclito canyon. Jul.

no-it doet tha talnphona aer-vlc Ja Loropoo compart with whnt It was befoia the Uome hciio came In; who did 83 Uom lelopbonoa have been Installed since tha Sunset started their cmtrftign. l'oa nail- (e4filtoDi'ebsQksy of fsra Ha sarvlcea below cost simply get another company out of mm, it ia acir eviueui, company would da to the people If have been heavy; In addition to tha steal outlay 1230 ererw Jrawn from the library food as part payment for tbe new site. We wish to express oar tlncer appreciation for tbe appropriations ot tbepast two yeart and hope tbat the board may so fit to make a slight Jnorease In tbe next ap--proprlatioo, so as to enable the library'to carry on Ita work satUfao- IDA L. SLOAN, Keorelary, ANNA MOO UK, MK. LKW1S, J.

D. UACK. Tn l.rin rti nnolvTA Ui ctifv mciit, as we Dfiievc that tlic proportWIHI arc good and jnjica(c prllJcnt and justify thc confidence.

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